Flower Mound Dentist Stresses Importance Of Dna Testing In Treating Gum Disease

Flower Mound Dentist Stresses Importance of DNA Testing in Treating Gum Disease


Dr. Golab

FLOWER MOUND, TX – Scientists and doctors are just starting to understand the true nature of gum disease. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection to the gums that initially has no major symptoms. But, while individuals are ignoring minor symptoms, gum disease is silently wreaking havoc on the mouth and even other areas of the body.

Thankfully, gum disease is a highly treatable illness. There are several tests dentists use to screen for gum disease. There is the basic oral exam, where dentists look for bleeding gums, inflammations, and infections. There is also a probe test, where dentists push on teeth to determine the stability of the gums. However, only one test accurately diagnoses the type of bacteria that has caused infection. This test is a Bacterial DNA test.

According to AirPerio, a research company dedicated to studying periodontal disease, there are 11 periodontal pathogens most commonly linked to gum disease, and the DNA test can readily verify which strain has infected the mouth. Other examinations and tests can verify the presence of gum disease, but there are many strains of bacteria that cause varying levels of gum disease.

“In cases where periodontal disease is likely present, it is imperative to perform a DNA test on the patient,” said

Flower Mound Dentist

, Dr. Jonathan J. Golab. “DNA testing verifies the type of bacteria involved, which allows dentists to accurately prescribe the correct antibiotic. This is crucial in cases that require antibiotic treatment, as it in avoids complications that come with incorrect medicine.”

Why is DNA Testing Important?

When determining the presence of gum disease underneath the gum-line, a DNA test is the only sure-fire diagnosis method commented Dr. Golab. In advanced or severe stages of gum disease, the bacteria will have moved underneath the gum-line to tooth roots and even bone. In these cases, antibiotics are required, but administering the proper antibiotic depends on which strand of bacteria the patient is suffering from.



The Bacterial DNA test is a quick, simple procedure. During the test, paper points are placed under the gum line for approximately 15 seconds. During this time, the paper absorbs bacteria under the gum-line.

Each strain of bacteria has unique identifying qualities that lab technicians can readily identify. After studying the test samples, results are sent back to the dentist, who can administer the proper treatment, be it antibiotics or other treatment such as laser therapy, scaling and root planning (SRP), or surgery if necessary commented Dr. Golab, a Flower Mound, TX laser dentistry practitioner.

Who Should Be Tested

There are several conditions that make individuals susceptible to gum disease. Genetics plays a big part, as well as dental hygiene, hormonal changes, medical history, and immune system strength all contribute to gum disease vulnerability.

“The truth is that 85% of adults have some form of gum disease,” said the

Flower Mound dentist

. “But out of all those individuals, a majority won’t come in for an exam for any number of reasons. Gum disease is preventable and highly treatable, but so often patients wait too long to come in for a screening.”

Though gum disease is hard to recognize in its early phases, there are several symptoms. According to the Consumer Guide To Dentistry, these symptoms include: bleeding gums, sensitive or swollen gums, bad breath, or loose teeth.


Depending on the severity of the condition, there are several methods to treat gum disease. Generally, there is SRP, laser therapy, and antibiotics.

According to http://www.simplestepsdental.com/, SRP is the process in which tartar and plaque are removed from tooth surfaces and roots. Plaque is the breeding ground for bacteria associated with gum disease, therefore removing plaque from the mouth is the first step in preventing or treating gum disease commented Dr. Golab. Also, since plaque fastens easier to rough surfaces, root planing smoothes irregularities of the root surface.

Laser therapy and antibiotics are adjuncts to SRP. Laser therapy utilizes various wavelengths that target bacteria and remove remaining bacteria cells after SRP. Antibiotics also attack bacteria, but attack white blood cells at the same time. This leads to a weak immune system and opens the body to other illnesses during treatment.

“Unless the patient needs surgery, treating gum disease provides patients with healthier smiles, stable gums, and an overall healthier body,” said Dr. Golab.

“The best defense is good hygiene and prevention. Often, patients feel awkward about making an appointment to check out swollen gums or plaque, but it’s far better to be safe than sorry.”

In addition to periodontal exams and treatment, Dr. Golab is a certified Flower Mound, TX teeth cleaning and general dentist, providing services such as cleanings, tooth colored fillings, porcelain veneers, crowns, implants, and bridges. Dr. Golab also provides cosmetic dental work such as tooth whitening, gum contouring, laser enhancement, and smile enhancements.

2009 Master Google and Dr. Jonathan Golab Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Sinai Marketing and Master Google are credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this press release is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded.

Dr. Golab is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. To learn more about

Flower Mound Porcelain Veneers

or to schedule a consultation with

Flower Mound dentist

Dr. Jonathan Golab, visit our website Or call: 972-691-1700 to speak with a team member of

Flower Mound Dental Clinic.

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Cold as ice: Wikinews interviews Marymegan Daly on unusual new sea anemone

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

In late 2010 a geological expedition to Antarctica drilled through the Ross Ice Shelf so they could send an ROV under it. What they found was unexpected: Sea anemones. In their thousands they were doing what no other species of sea anemone is known to do — they were living in the ice itself.

Discovered by the ANDRILL [Antarctic Drilling] project, the team was so unprepared for biological discoveries they did not have suitable preservatives and the only chemicals available obliterated the creature’s DNA. Nonetheless Marymegan Daly of Ohio State University confirmed the animals were a new species. Named Edwardsiella andrillae after the drilling project that found it, the anemone was finally described in a PLOS ONE paper last month.

ANDRILL lowered their cylindrical camera ROV down a freshly-bored 270m (890ft) hole, enabling it to reach seawater below the ice. The device was merely being tested ahead of its planned mission retrieving data on ocean currents and the sub-ice environment. Instead it found what ANDRILL director Frank Rack of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, a co-author of the paper describing the find, called the “total serendipity” of “a whole new ecosystem that no one had ever seen before”.

The discovery raises many questions. Burrowing sea anemones worm their way into substrates or use their tentacles to dig, but it’s unclear how E. andrillae enters the hard ice. With only their tentacles protruding into the water from the underneath of the ice shelf questions also revolve around how the animals avoid freezing, how they reproduce, and how they cope with the continuously melting nature of their home. Their diet is also a mystery.

What fascinates me about sea anemones is that they’re able to do things that seem impossible

E. andrillae is an opaque white, with an inner ring of eight tentacles and twelve-to-sixteen tentacles in an outer ring. The ROV’s lights produced an orange glow from the creatures, although this may be produced by their food. It measures 16–20mm (0.6–0.8in) but when fully relaxed can extend to triple that.

Genetic analysis being impossible, Daly turned to dissection of the specimens but could find nothing out of the ordinary. Scientists hope to send a biological mission to explore the area under the massive ice sheet, which is in excess of 600 miles (970km) wide. The cameras also observed worms, fish that swim inverted as if the icy roof was the sea floor, crustaceans and a cylindrical creature that used appendages on its ends to move and to grab hold of the anemones.

NASA is providing funding to aid further research, owing to possible similarities between this icy realm and Europa, a moon of Jupiter. Biological research is planned for 2015. An application for funding to the U.S. National Science Foundation, which funds ANDRILL, is also pending.

The ANDRILL team almost failed to get any samples at all. Designed to examine the seafloor, the ROV had to be inverted to examine the roof of ice. Weather conditions prevented biological sampling equipment being delivered from McMurdo Station, but the scientists retrieved 20–30 anemones by using hot water to stun them before sucking them from their burrows with an improvised device fashioned from a coffee filter and a spare ROV thruster. Preserved on-site in ethanol, they were taken to McMurdo station where some were further preserved with formaldehyde.

((Wikinews)) How did you come to be involved with this discovery?

Marymegan Daly: Frank Rack got in touch after they returned from Antarctica in hopes that I could help with an identification on the anemone.

((Wikinews)) What was your first reaction upon learning there was an undiscovered ecosystem under the ice in the Ross Sea?

MD I was amazed and really excited. I think to say it was unexpected is inaccurate, because it implies that there was a well-founded expectation of something. The technology that Frank and his colleagues are using to explore the ice is so important because, given our lack of data, we have no reasonable expectation of what it should be like, or what it shouldn’t be like.

((Wikinews)) There’s a return trip planned hopefully for 2015, with both biologists and ANDRILL geologists. Are you intending to go there yourself?

MD I would love to. But I am also happy to not go, as long as someone collects more animals on my behalf! What I want to do with the animals requires new material preserved in diverse ways, but it doesn’t require me to be there. Although I am sure that being there would enhance my understanding of the animals and the system in which they live, and would help me formulate more and better questions about the anemones, ship time is expensive, especially in Antarctica, and if there are biologists whose contribution is predicated on being there, they should have priority to be there.

((Wikinews)) These animals are shrouded in mystery. Some of the most intriguing questions are chemical; do they produce some kind of antifreeze, and is that orange glow in the ROV lights their own? Talk us through the difficulties encountered when trying to find answers with the specimens on hand.

MD The samples we have are small in terms of numbers and they are all preserved in formalin (a kind of formaldehyde solution). The formalin is great for preserving structures, but for anemones, it prevents study of DNA or of the chemistry of the body. This means we can’t look at the issue you raise with these animals. What we could do, however, was to study anatomy and figure out what it is, so that when we have samples preserved for studying e.g., the genome, transcriptome, or metabolome, or conduct tests of the fluid in the burrows or in the animals themselves, we can make precise comparisons, and figure out what these animals have or do (metabolically or chemically) that lets them live where they live.
Just knowing a whole lot about a single species isn’t very useful, even if that animal is as special as these clearly are — we need to know what about them is different and thus related to living in this strange way. The only way to get at what’s different is to make comparisons with close relatives. We can start that side of the work now, anticipating having more beasts in the future.
In terms of their glow, I suspect that it’s not theirs — although luminescence is common in anemone relatives, they don’t usually make light themselves. They do make a host of florescent proteins, and these may interact with the light of the ROV to give that gorgeous glow.

((Wikinews)) What analysis did you perform on the specimens and what equipment was used?

MD I used a dissecting scope to look at the animal’s external anatomy and overall body organization (magnification of 60X). I embedded a few of the animals in wax and then cut them into very thin slices using a microtome, mounted the slices on microscope slides, stained the slices to enhance contrast, and then looked at those slides under a compound microscope (that’s how I got the pictures of the muscles etc in the paper). I used that same compound scope to look at squashed bits of tissue to see the stinging capsules (=nematocysts).
I compared the things I saw under the ‘scopes to what had been published on other species in this group. This step seems trivial, but it is really the most important part! By comparing my observations to what my colleagues and predecessors had found, I figured out what group it belongs to, and was able to determine that within that group, it was a new species.

((Wikinews)) It was three years between recovery of specimens and final publication, why did it take so long?

MD You mean, how did we manage to make it all happen so quickly, right? 🙂 It was about two years from when Frank sent me specimens to when we got the paper out. Some of that time was just lost time — I had other projects in the queue that I needed to finish. Once we figured out what it was, we played a lot of manuscript email tag, which can be challenging and time consuming given the differing schedules that folks keep in terms of travel, field work, etc. Manuscript review and processing took about four months.

((Wikinews)) What sort of difficulties were posed by the unorthodox preservatives used, and what additional work might be possible on a specimen with intact DNA?

MD The preservation was not unorthodox — they followed best practices for anatomical preservation. Having DNA-suitable material will let us see whether there are new genes, or genes turned on in different ways and at different times that help explain how these animals burrow into hard ice and then survive in the cold. I am curious about the population structure of the “fields” of anemones — the group to which Edwardsiella andrillae belongs includes many species that reproduce asexually, and it’s possible that the fields are “clones” produced asexually rather than the result of sexual reproduction. DNA is the only way to test this.

((Wikinews)) Do you have any theories about the strategies employed to cope with the harsh environment of burrowing inside an ice shelf?

MD I think there must be some kind of antifreeze produced — the cells in contact with ice would otherwise freeze.

((Wikinews)) How has such an apparently large population of clearly unusual sea anemones, not to mention the other creatures caught on camera, gone undetected for so long?

MD I think this reflects how difficult it is to get under the ice and to collect specimens. That being said, since the paper came out, I have been pointed towards two other reports that are probably records of these species: one from Japanese scientists who looked at footage from cameras attached to seals and one from Americans who dove under ice. In both of these cases, the anemone (if that’s what they saw) was seen at a distance, and no specimens were collected. Without the animals in hand, or the capability of a ROV to get close up for pictures, it is hard to know what has been seen, and lacking a definitive ID, hard to have the finding appropriately indexed or contextualized.

((Wikinews)) Would it be fair to say this suggests there may be other undiscovered species of sea anemone that burrow into hard substrates such as ice?

MD I hope so! What fascinates me about sea anemones is that they’re able to do things that seem impossible given their seemingly limited toolkit. This finding certainly expands the realm of possible.
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Police crackdown on illegal tow operations in Sydney

Friday, June 30, 2006

New South Wales Police, in connection with the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority, Tow Truck Authority and Centrelink (the agency responsible for providing income support) conducted random checks on tow trucks on Thursday. The checks were carried out in Bankstown, a suburb in Sydney’s South-West.

According to police, 50 tow trucks were pulled over during the operation, coined “Operation Hook” between 8:30 a.m. AEST and 4 p.m. Of those, 26 were directed to report to a vehicle inspection facility for further investigation.

Police issued 70 infringement notices (fines) during the operation. 11 were for being unlicensed to conduct business as a tow truck driver or business, and 13 for having incorrectly secured loads. 17 vehicles were issued defect notices as part of the operation.

Tow truck operators (business owners) are required to make a payment of AUD$770 per year to the NSW government, while drivers are charged $152 per year for their licence. An additional charge for tow truck number plates of $292 per year also applies.

The maximum penalty for operators not being licensed correctly is $11,000 or 12 months imprisonment, drivers without the correct licence can be fined $5,500 or sentenced to 6 months.

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Category:February 27, 2008

? February 26, 2008
February 28, 2008 ?
February 27

Pages in category “February 27, 2008”

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Tip On How To Decorate A Small Living Room

By Jesse Akre

While it may seem daunting to fill a large living room with furniture, it can be an even greater challenge to make a small living room look comfortable without feeling cluttered. This is particularly true if you’re a renter. You may have bought the perfect furniture for your last apartment but fitting it in your new one has proven virtually impossible. Nothing seems to look right, often because the room’s dimensions are drastically different from the last apartment. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to make a small living room more homey and comfortable. If your room isn’t carpeted, you’re already a step ahead. While wall-to-wall carpeting can make a home look warmer, it can also give it a cramped feeling. The eye can easily be fooled. Where carpeting can make a room look small, tile can make us think a room is larger than it really is.

If you’re stuck with carpeting, not to worry. Leaving as much space as possible between furnishings can help the room look bigger than it really is. That said, it may mean that you will have to pare back on the amount of furniture you place in the living room. If you’ve been a lifelong renter then chances are good that you already have a sofa or other furniture that is scaled to apartment living. If you’re moving from a home into an apartment, however, you may have to replace your sofa with a smaller one. Even if your sofa looked small in your home, it can look huge in an apartment, especially in a small living room. The same is true of occasional chairs. You may want to get rid of the large, overstuffed chairs, the recliner or the wingbacks and go with chairs that aren’t as visually heavy. You want to increase the space between the chairs or between the chairs and loveseat to make the room appear larger than it is. If everything is scaled incorrectly, the room will look cramped and uninviting.


Another nifty trick can be done with fabrics. Furniture and drapes with vertical striping or patterns can make the room look bigger and taller. This is perfect for small living rooms that have low ceilings. If you want to spread a room along its width, go with horizontal patterns. If your living room is not only small but narrow, you will want to get rid of a coffee table and use end tables instead. A coffee table can really suck up space in a narrow room and it’s far better to have a wide walkway than a little extra table space at the expense of a feeling of spaciousness. If you want to open up the room, consider using a mirror. Placed on the right wall, it can make your small living room appear much larger than it is. It can also bring in more light, turning a dark and dull living room into a bright, lively space. Maximize the light by placing the mirror on the wall opposite a window. As you know, space can be at a premium in a smaller apartment or condo. To get more space, go vertical, not horizontal. Get tall cabinets and bookcases and save the wide ones for bigger rooms or rooms with fewer furnishing needs, such as a guestroom. The vertical lines will help increase the perceived size of the room.

Get as much as you can off the floor. This includes entertainment center gadgets, CD racks, book cases and storage furniture. If possible, get furniture that has legs to increase the impression that there is amble floor space. Wall mounted shelves will give you plenty of storage without eating up precious floor space. Even a small window in the living room can help make the room look larger, if it’s left unencumbered. If there are drapes or curtains, get rid of them if possible. Use a shade instead so you can shut out the light when you want to. Also, resist the temptation to place knickknacks on the window sills and don’t add sun catchers or anything else to the glass. Let as much light shine in as possible by keeping the windows free of clutter. With these simple tips, you should be able to decorate a small living room with minimal fuss.

About the Author: Jesse Akre owns Edenvale Shoppes and hosts numerous furniture and furnishings for any home whether it be teak tables or towel bars styles and designs.

Source: isnare.com

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Canada’s Scarborough East (Ward 44) city council candidates speak

This exclusive interview features first-hand journalism by a Wikinews reporter. See the collaboration page for more details.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

On November 13, Torontonians will be heading to the polls to vote for their ward’s councillor and for mayor. Among Toronto’s ridings is Scarborough East (Ward 44). One candidates responded to Wikinews’ requests for an interview. This ward’s candidates include Donald Blair, Diana Hall, Mohammed Mirza, Ron Moeser, Kevin Richardson, Richard Rieger, Richard Ross, and Kevin Wellington.

For more information on the election, read Toronto municipal election, 2006.

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MetLife to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup

Monday, January 31, 2005

Metlife announced on 01/31/05 that they were going to acquire Travelers Life and Annuity from Citigroup. Travelers Life and Annuity is an insurance underwriter. MetLife is a large life insurance and annuities underwriter. MetLife will have to borrow a lot of money to pay for the company, so rating agencies like S&P warn that the AA credit rating of MetLife might be lowered. This would cause the interest rates at which all of MetLife’s debt must be repaid to increase.

Citigroup committed to continue distributing Travelers life insurance and annuities through its Smith Barney stock brokers, Primerica agents, and Citibank branches.

Citigroup was previously known as Travelers Insurance before it bought Citicorp. First the Property and Casualty business of Travelers was spun off, and now the life insurance division has been sold off. This is primarily because insurance underwriters get a lower price to earnings multiple from the stock market because of the cycles and uncertainty associated with the insurance business. Also, having an insurance underwriter and a bank together does not usually create “cross-sell” opportunities, because consumers and businesses almost always buy life insurance and annuities through brokers who have a duty to give them other options. Citigroup will continue to sell insurance through its brokers as before.

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Toronto prepares for Monday transit strike

Saturday, April 9, 2005

The Toronto Transit Commission is expected to strike Monday. The TTC workers union, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 113, rejected a deal offered by TTC management. They last went on strike in 1999. The average daily ridership exceeds 1.3 million passengers.

The city of Toronto has prepared to help deal with the forecasted traffic congestion by opening up free parking for car-pools at 14 city-owned community centres, banning parking on some city streets, and opening up some bus-only lanes to car-pools.

The initial deal, which was rejected, offered a 2% wage increase over five years. With a huge turnout the union-members voted against accepting the offer with a 99% majority according to a press release by the union. The union rejected the latest offer Friday reported to be a three-year contract with raises of 2.75 percent in the first year, three percent in the second and 3.25 percent in the third.

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Benefit From The Skin S Natural Absorption Function

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Submitted by: Daniellle Sims

The skin is the largest living, breathing organ of the body. It acts as an interface between the internal and external environments. It consists of the epidermis, dermis and the hypodermis. The epidermis is the surface layer, the layer that we see. It serves us as the protective layer. The dermis is the middle layer that contains the glands and the connective tissues. This layer helps complete the absorption process by carrying whatever is placed on the epidermis to the deepest part of the skin and throughout the body.

The hypodermis contains the adipose tissues or fat layer. This is the layer that contains your fat cells.

The major functions of the skin are:

1. Protection. The skin serves as a barrier that prevents microorganisms and other substances from entering the body.


2. Regulates Body Temperature. Considerable heat is lost through the skin. Even under conditions of high temperature or exercise, the body temperature remains almost normal.

3. Elimination. The evaporation of perspiration acts to cool the skin. In addition, small amounts of waste product and salt leave the body through sweat.

4. Sensation. Nerve endings in the skin provide the body with a great deal of information about the outside environment.

5. Vitamin D Production. In the presence of sunlight or ultraviolet radiation, a substance in the skin is altered to produce vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphate from food.

Another function of the skin, that is often overlooked, is its absorption properties. This is the reason why applying transdermal medications (birth control patch, smoking patch, etc..) to the skin is so effective. You can also benefit from the absorption function of the skin with cosmetic lotions, topical treatments, and other applications that benefit the skin.

One benefit that spas capitalize on body wrap treatments. Body wraps are designed to help reduce inches and detoxify the body. Detoxifying your body with body wraps improves your overall wellbeing. Body wraps are also capable of slimming and contouring your physique and can also help shape your body in about an hour. The therapeutic and cosmetic benefits help rid the body of toxins which contribute to reduce inches.

Certain body wrap can help to relieve pain due to injury and illness. Body wraps special formulas contain ingredients that help detach fat lipids from cell walls so that permanent fat loss may occur.

Body wraps are safe and just about anyone can benefit from them for skin conditioning, tightening, pain relief and even fat loss. A home body wrap made with your own body wrap recipes is a unique alternative if you want an inexpensive way to improve skin condition, toning and tightening, and to help relieve joint pain and inflammation. It is recommended that you give yourself a body wrap once every week for up to six weeks – then for maintenance, once a month.

About the Author: Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a blueprint for making her own body wrap formulas at home. Now she offers this information in an e-book entitled

Body Wrap Exposed




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Greenspan’s testimony suggests “more of the same”

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve has suggested that there will be more of the same in coming months from the Fed. In his speech during testimony before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee on Wednesday, Mr. Greenspan noted that the economic fundamentals of the U.S. appeared to be stable. On Thursday, Greenspan spoke before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services and when faced with questions regarding Social Security reform issues, he hinted that he was in favour of partial privatization of Social Security – but the general consensus on Wall Street is to expect more of the same.

However, economic advisors were somewhat disappointed that most of the testimony in both speechs was focused on the upcoming Social Security reform and did not address monetary policy as broadly as they’d hoped. Mike Moran, chief economist at Daiwa Securities America Inc, is quoted in the Investors Business Daily as saying “Chairman Greenspan provided few explicit insights into his plans for monetary policy.”

Greenspan reiterated his concerns about market reactions to the burgeoning federal deficit. “We are not sure to what extent and how much the market will respond,” he said.

Parsing Greenspan’s reports to Congress is a Wall Street obsession, but the general consensus from his recent testimony is to expect little change in the current Fed policy. Economists expect “measured” hikes to the central bank’s short-term interest rates from the next few meetings of Fed policy-makers.

“In my view the bottom line is that we are in for more of the same,” said Steve Stanley, chief economist at RBS Greenwich Capital to the Associated Press.

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