What Can You Expect From The Best Physical Therapists In Sandy

byAlma Abell

Physical therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on reducing the pain, swelling and inflammation you have after an injury, surgery or because of a long-term condition. This type of therapy helps to increase your mobility, strength, flexibility and endurance. With ongoing therapy, most people are able to improve their function in their daily lives. This information can prove helpful in helping you to understand what to expect from the Best Physical Therapists in Sandy, so you can be prepared when you schedule your appointment.


What Happens When You See a Physical Therapist?

When your physical therapist first meets with you, he or she will want to go over your health history and examine you. As a part of the examination process, the therapist will check your level of flexibility, balance, coordination, posture and mobility. You may be asked to move certain ways, walk, sit and lie down, so the physical therapist can check to see how you move and transition between movements. After a full examination, the therapist will be able to discuss your current condition and your goals for treatment. This puts you involved in your treatment, increasing the odds of it being more effective.

A big part of your therapy will involve specific and targeted exercises meant to help you improve your range of motion, without pain and swelling. Your therapist will instruct you on the right form for your movements. As with any type of exercise program, you may experience some degree of discomfort and soreness, but you should not feel major pain. If you do, make sure you inform your therapist, so your exercises can be adjusted.

Along with exercise, the PT will also give you educational information on increasing your mobility and becoming pain-free. You may be given certain exercises to perform at home, so you continue to progress between treatments. It is important you are active in your care, so you can see improved function as you progress through treatment.

If you are experiencing pain and mobility issues, there is help through the best physical therapist in Sandy.

Tips For Buying Used Treadmills Smart

Submitted by: David Faulkner

Treadmills are expensive, but you can save a few bucks by picking up a used one. There is a lot that can go wrong with a used treadmill, so make sure you know what you’re getting before you buy.

Where To Buy Used Treadmills

You can buy used treadmills from fitness clubs, online dealers like eBay, classifieds, and sports store chains like Play It Again Sports. When it comes to used treadmills, where you buy may be as important as what you buy.

If you buy from a sports store, make sure they have some kind of warrantee or return policy. Most sports store check the machine to make sure it’s up to speed before they sell it.

You can also find used treadmills at thrift stores like the Salvation Army, but it’s risky. There’s a good chance the electronics will not work, and thrift stores offer no guarantee. If you want something that runs, and don’t need the electronics and special features, this would be a good bargain.


Gyms sell used treadmills, but usually these treadmills have been used and abused. It may be on its dying breath. You’ll be lucky if it doesn’t collapse the minute you step onto it. Why do you think the gym is selling it?

The truth is, they may be selling it to make room for new ones. Actually, gyms use the best quality treadmills available, so it’s definitely going to be a good model. Still, it’s risky to buy from gyms. Their used treadmills have been run hard.

A much better place to get a used treadmill is from someone who just doesn’t use it. There are lots of people like this out there. It’s easy to get on an exercise kick and splurge on this giant piece of fitness equipment, then get bogged down with work or lose the drive. The treadmill turns into a piece of furniture. Used treadmills purchased from people who never use them are usually in pretty good shape. For more info see


on Folding Treadmill.

A Few Things To Keep In Mind

In general, you should watch out for used treadmills that are more than a year old. Most treadmills have a year warrantee, and after that things can start breaking. Modern treadmills are sturdily built, but contain electronic components and motors that can start to run down after a couple of years.

If you’re getting a used treadmill, it’s always best to buy one that is a major, trusted brand. This insures that it is high quality and built to last. A treadmill that was expensive in the first place might be a great deal used. Look for major brands like Nordic Track, Proform, Bowflex and Horizon.

Ask the previous owner lots of questions. Find out if they were the only owner. If somebody had the treadmill before them, it’s probably not worth your money no matter how low the cost.

Finally, remember that you can get a simple new treadmill for as low as $750 if you shop around. It might be a good idea to pay the extra cash and have the piece of mind of knowing that your machine is brand new. The warrantee also helps!

Buying used treadmills is a great way to save money, just make sure you buy smart. Follow these tips and shop around, and you’ll find a great deal.

About the Author: You can also find more info on

Bowflex Series 7 Treadmill


Discount Treadmills




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